One of us has a name that begins with L, so in our little communopoly we avoid making the shape of an L on our foreheads. Instead, we make an O, as in “oozer,” which is how you might feel if you consume too many of this cocktail.
We discovered a version of this cocktail at a pub in Nanaimo, British Columbia but have adapted it to our tastes. Here’s our version:
1 oz raspberry vodka
- 1 oz peach schnapps
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 100 mL cola (or to taste)
- fresh raspberries
Serve over ice.
The verdict: Easy drinking — probably too easy. We worried that the raspberry and schnapps would be cloyingly sweet, but the cola–lime acid provides good contrast. This drink is perfect for the patio on a hot afternoon. The Miss L is arguably a “girly” drink and a cocktail umbrella would add a nice serving touch. But warn your guests that it’s a double shot — it’s that subtle.