
I’m generally not a fan of rosé, but God help me, I do love a pun, so when Canada Day rolled around, I busted out my best from both columns and made some frozé-eh. Get it?! Sigh…

Ingredients (makes 4)

  • 1 bottle rosé (dry and fruity, not sweet)
  • 2 cups strawberries
  • 3 tbsp sugar 
  • 2 cups ice cubes (about 1 ½ trays)
  • 4 ounces lemoncello
  • Juice of one lime
  • Lime wedges or strawberries, to garnish

The night prior to cocktails, pour the rosé into a shallow glass or ceramic dish that will fit in your freezer. Cover the dish with foil or plastic wrap, place it in the freezer, and leave it overnight to firm up.

Two hours before cocktail time, slice the strawberries into a bowl, sprinkle them with the sugar, cover them with a dish of plastic wrap, and leave them on the counter to macerate.

When it’s cocktail time (finally!), grab the rosé from the freezer, and bust it into shaggy large pieces with a fork. Spoon the rosé into a blender, and then add the ice cubes, lemoncello, lime juice, macerated strawberries and their juice. Blend!

When it’s slushy and combined, give it a taste, then adjust the lemoncello to taste. Pour into glasses, garnish, and enjoy.

The verdict: Pretty darn good indeed… once it was all combined. Because, make no mistake, the frozen rosé on its own was awful. Like notes-of-dirty-sock awful. In fact, it wasn’t until I added a hardy glug or four of lemoncello that the drink became decidedly yummy. So don’t skimp on it, eh! Will try it again with peaches when the season’s upon us.

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