The Old-Fashioned

After binge-watching Mad Men this spring, I was taken with the mostly suave Don Draper and his ubiquitous Old-Fashioned. Hence this week’s cocktail selection.

The Old-Fashioned is a traditional cocktail, originally developed in Kentucky in the late nineteenth century — and therein lies one controversy. Should we make it with Kentucky whiskey or with another liquor? Since we’re evoking Mad Men — and Canadian Club is part of the dressing of so many scenes — our first exploration of the Old-Fashioned will use Canadian whisky.



  • oldfashioned-bitterssimple syrup
  • Angostura bitters
  • 1.5 oz. Canadian Club
  • maraschino cherries and orange slices for garnish

oldfashioned3The verdict: Our response was mixed. Those who don’t enjoy hard liquor may find the Old-Fashioned hard to swallow, as the simple syrup barely masks the whisky. But the bright flavour of the drink is appealing, especially on a hot day. We will likely explore the Old-Fashioned again, though — with a Kentucky whiskey.



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