Brandy Alexander

After a recent shopping trip, we had whipping cream in the fridge, something of a rarity. Then Bee remarked casually that one day we should make a Brandy Alexander for this blog. Since we were only three for supper, one of us looked at the other and decided this was the day. Given that only one of our foursome really likes cream, we were not anticipating much.

According to Wikipedia, the Brandy Alexander was John Lennon’s favourite drink. Beyond that fact, not much about the history of this cocktail is clear. Its origins lie in the early twentieth century, and it has become a pop culture touchstone for a certain kind of sophistication. Everyone seems to know what this cocktail is, but fewer have actually drunk it.


  • 2 oz cognac
  • 1 oz crème de cacao brun
  • 1 oz cream

Pour ingredients into cocktail shaker with ice and shake until frosted. Pour into a chilled glass and top with fresh nutmeg.

The verdict: Our cream-hating drinker had her Brandy Alexander with milk but tried a sip of the real cocktail; the other two had full-strength cocktails. Turns out, the alcohol reduces the fatty mouth-feel of the cream, making this is a fairly likeable drink. It’s not one I’m going to reach for often, but the others gave it two thumbs up.

All in all, we’d say the Brandy Alexander is an oldie but a goodie. If you’re not dairy averse, give it a try.

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