Chocolate-Covered Cherry

After finding a bottle of crème de cacao for the Brandy Alexander, Z went looking for something else to use it in, along with what we had to hand one Sunday. With his usual google-fu, Z found on the following cocktail on

As far as we know, there is no specific history to this drink. There are many versions of the chocolate-covered cherry concept, but most of them involve more ingredients, including grenadine or chocolate syrup. We wanted something simple, and this recipe served the purpose.


  • 1 oz Cognac
  • 1/2 oz Amaretto
  • 1/2 oz Crème de Cacao

Shake with crushed ice and pour over a cherry in a cocktail glass.

The verdict: Two of us really liked it; one of us thought it was like drinking candy. If you like a less-alcohol forward cocktail, this is a fun winter warmer.

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