It was Sunday, it was cold out, we were three instead of four, and no one had prepared a cocktail. Oh no! But then there was Mixologist to the rescue. Mixologist is an app Z has on his phone (available for Android or iOS) that helps you to find drinks based on your available bar stock. It has a ton of other features and is worth checking out. Fun stuff!
So we gave it whirl and it decided we should make a Bernardo, a gin-based drink that matched our list of possible ingredients. There appears to be no specific history to this cocktail, as the recipe appears all over the interwebs lacking context or background — it’s filed as a Modern Mix for now but we will keep looking. But since it combines the bitter and sour tastes that are so popular with our communopoly, we gave it a try.
- 2 oz gin
- 1/2 oz Triple Sec
- 2 tsp Lemon Juice
- 2 dashes Bitters
Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Finish with 2 dashes of bitters. Garnish with a lemon twist.
The verdict: Pretty darn good. The swirl of bitters when we added it was fascinating to watch and added a visual twist. The lemon juice and Triple Sec gave it a lovely citrus edge. It’s also quick to make, a bonus when time is precious. It was a great start to the evening and well worth the attempt. Two thumbs up for both the Bernardo and Mixologist.