“One sip of this hot apple-and-Drambuie cocktail will warm you to the core.” With a sell line like that how could you resist. With two out of the four suffering from a cold and us expiring the first cold blowy day of the winter we were looking for something soothing. I discovered a selection of toddy’s available but fastened on the Rusty Apple Toddy since I haven’t tried drambuie for years.
- 3 oz apple juice, hot
- 1 oz Drambuie
- 1 lemon wedge’s juice
- 1 cinnamon stick
Warm the apple juice in the microwave, or on the stove top. Add the apple juice and drambuie to a mug, teacup or handled latte glass, squeeze in the lemon wedge and add it in then garnish with a cinnamon stick. Give it a stir.
The verdict: From the moment we started preparing this drink we knew it was going to be a hit. The smell of warm apple juice, the delightful bouquet of the drambuie, and the spicy hit of cinnamon as you stirred had everyone eagerly awaiting to imbibe. And then, after a few sips, you get a warm glow in the centre of your chest that just makes you sigh. It was so good we made up another batch.
I found the recipe for this drink online in numerous places with exactly the same description, so I suspect it was the result of Drambiue’s marketing efforts. But nonetheless it was a resounding success.